What to watch out for when buying new windows #5

When buying new windows for your home or looking for replacement windows there are some things you need to watch out for when researching which window company to go with.

One size fits all

A true classic, great deals for “standard” windows, and when looking at the tiny font, or worse, after signing the dotted line, the sales person -discovers- that your windows are a little bit taller, or a little bit wider than what they believe standard windows should be. This is very true of companies that operate in large areas such as multiple states or even nationally, as they have a product that’s standard -somewhere- and its easier for them to produce a whole lot of those and just send them where they’re needed. That little bit taller can cost you a considerable amount more as they tell you about how they’ll need to special order your windows. What’s worse, sometimes a quantity discount might depend on several of the exact same size.

If you are looking for replacement windows for your home?
Learn What Windows Are Right for You